
“I was introduced to Bevis through a friend studying Osteopathy at the LSO. I had been experiencing inexplicable vertigo, headaches, dizziness and nerves. I had been to see a few different doctors with no solution. Bevis’ approach was clear, putting me at ease from the first session and solved my issues over the course of the programme through some easy but effective techniques. He also helped me understand why these things were happening and taught me how to prevent these issues from taking over in the future with some simple exercises I could do in my own time.The human nervous system is a strange and complicated thing and we all put ourselves through immense pressure and stress to get the most out of life and that can take its toll. Bevis was immediately able to make me feel sane and in control again when I was close to despair! Thank you Bevis.”

– Richard D, London

“I found Bevis a wonderfully sensitive practitioner and guide through a process that I found challenging and revealing.  I came to SE whilst struggling with the burden and sadness of many ‘unexplained’ IVF failures and with a long history of stress and anxiety.  The techniques and approach Bevis offered me have resulted in a new sense of personal freedom and ease, they remain part of my daily life.  I would say I feel more comfortable in my skin and we now have a beautiful, laughing boy – joy.” 

– Jane M

“I only came to see you once. The first thing you said was that you noticed I could not take a breath. I had not realized that I had been struggling to breathe for many years. We worked on that, and I have been conscious of it ever since. You understood the reality of my anxieties. They were real to me, and you honored that as a part of my makeup, instead of just telling me how to be different. I never knew the ways my body processed stress. You made me aware of my physical experience and reaction to emotional pain in a way no one else had. I had been working with therapists, but no one addressed this physical element of what I was going through.  Because of that hour I spent with you, I made several life changes, and for your support, I will be forever grateful.”

– Sara A.

“The somatic experiencing I undertook with Bevis for my PTSD it is safe to say effectively cured me. It’s a subtle process, uniquely tailored, but ultimately was very effective. It brought alot of my old confidence back and since then I’ve done an uproarious Best Man’s speech for my brother and had a successful appearance on Dragons’ Den – quite a result!”

– Ben H, London

“I always feel ‘renewed’ after seeing Bevis. We have negotiated a regular session whereby Somatic Experiencing is followed by osteopathic style bodywork – it’s an absolutely marvelous combination; it feels like he really attends to all of me. He is extremely good at understanding the nuance of character structure, and how trauma manifests in the body – and likes to stay there –  and I love his kind, cheerful, honest, empathic style. I feel he always leads me to a new insight to my path of healing. For me, Bevis is the ‘therapist’s therapist’.”

– Susie Scott BA, SEP

“I had a blow to the head and consequentially I was suffering from pseudo siezures and blackouts which I was having twice weekly, and I had nausea, headaches and pain in my neck, I lacked energy and was unable to carry out every day tasks. I found through a friend Mr Bevis Nathan who specialities were in Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy and Somatic Experiencing. I had fantastic results with him where no one else had been able to help.”

– Lucy Auge, Bath, UK.

“Every now and then you meet somebody who makes a difference. Bevis is one of those gifted people. His approach to osteopathy – and life in general – is inspiring. As CHEK practitioners and Strength and Conditioning Coaches, we have the pleasure of working with Bevis on a referral basis. This relationship is paramount for optimal results for our clients. His intuitive and thorough approach along with his phenomenal understanding of the body is brilliant. He really takes the time to understand the person and their needs. We cannot recommend Bevis highly enough.” 

– Charlotte Voller and Matt Pickard , Equipoise Health, Bath.

“I was road running 100 miles a week and had a body that was not suited to this process! I spent a large amount of my life in the consulting rooms of perhaps 20 or 30 different osteopaths. All of them were good but in my first consultation with Bevis, I realised the difference between competent and inspired. Bevis simply has the depth of knowledge and an ability to heal, that can only be described as a gift. He is right at the top of his profession, and if you are one of those people who like the best, this is the man to see. Kind regards. Yours faithfully, Andrew Barrs.”

“I live in Nigeria, and on my errand-packed trips to London I tried to squeeze in as many sessions as possible with Bevis. Helping me with my lower back pain, and relieving me from the effects of poor posture are only side benefits of these treatments. For me the real healing was in entering a room that has not even the slightest trace of judgment, not even when I argued the damming effect of towering stilettos on my back were negated by my altitude slickness, or when I admitted to not doing any of my exercises for months at a stretch. (The only time I felt judged was upon uttering any unnecessary “sorries” – he once suggested I count how many times I said sorry in a session! It has since become one of my least used words, and for that I am grateful.) This may sound strange but I must confess, I am not sure if I ever wanted the health of my back to improve. During an extremely emotional and challenging journey, laying in the care of a confidant, friend, and certainly a healer: that practitioner’s table holds a spot as one of only two places in the world where I felt safe and supported. Bevis helped me with many obstacles, and steered me to start overcoming my fears with compassion, understanding, and more often than not, witty banter. Even when we do not communicate for months at a stretch I know I can reach out to Bevis. Every time I am stressed or afraid, I hold on to his voice telling me not to be so hard on myself, drop my shoulders, and not to brace and store all my emotions. I also hold on to his words of support and belief in my abilities to make certain changes in my life. Thank you Bevis; you have played a larger role in my journey than you know”